lesson 29: fire escape picnics cure the blues

"I had just had knee surgery and couldn't really leave my apartment. I wasn't very mobile."
"That sounds boring."
"Unspeakably. For the most part I was OK since I had some good pain killers, but everything was awkward and slow. I was very bored. Very. And it was hot and I couldn't shower. And I was lonely."
"So you went on the fire escape. All smelly and bored?"
"My dear wonderful friend, JF, brought a luxurious lunch, I awkwardly dragged myself through the window and we had a picnic on the fire escape. It was fantastic. I just remember being so touched by her thoughtfulness. And so happy to sit in the sun with her."
"What's the lesson?"
"Good friends are invaluable. Being loved is such a gift. It brings beauty into your life like picnics on fire escapes on a hot summer and reminds you of what is important."
"Good lesson."
"Are you OK?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're kinda quiet and cooperative. It worries me."
"I'm OK, but these are a lot of lessons. You've got ten more to go. I'm just storing up my energy for later. Don't worry."
Photo by smcgee
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